Saturday, October 4, 2008

Dream Series

Recently, I made a dream journal for myself. I have always envied people who can remember most of the dreams they have in their sleep. It would be nice if I can remember my dreams and put them all together in a small book, so then one day, I can look back and who knows, perhaps I can get some inspirations from it? By starting this journal, I was thinking that maybe, subconsciously, I will be able to remember more than usual. Or at least, if I note down the "key points" of my dream whenever I am woken up by it, things will come back to me. But anyway, I decided to make a little illustration from the dreams I had on the first week I started my journal.


Jeffrey Cheung said...

freaking weird, but awesome.

marcus said...

i like this. what the heck is going on

Unknown said...

creepy dream u have
is that tessar with his pants getting taken off?

...hmm i seee....hahaa

erika danusasmita said...

haha. yes, that's tessar. the pants weren't taken off. that's just how low he usually wears his pants. haha

Anonymous said...

was that neko? :)

RAWLS said...

Hey Erika! Thanks for the comments on my blog! Great work yourself! Keep it up and keep in touch!

erika danusasmita said...

haha. i don't know. It was a white puffy dog that high-fived with me in my dream. haha. could be neko. who knows

thanks rawls! we'll keep in touch for sure :)

Tapan Gandhi said...

erika, this is such a cool idea! ur a genius

and the illustration is KICKASS! as usual :)

Francis said...

funky dream...but this weirdness is expected from you, you weirdo

Lettie Lo said...

erika thats so cool! haha i always never rmb my dreams either D:
and yeahh.. happy trail is bliss ;)

Anonymous said...

when you first wake up

stay in the position you were sleeping in;

remember the last detail of your dream
first- and then work backwards towards the beginning

This would make an excellent series
nice drawings!

Anonymous said...

i own the original.... yes.